St. Croix

Traveling Between St. Croix and St. Thomas: Ferry or Flight?

Traveling between St. Croix and St. Thomas is quick and convenient, whether you take the QE IV ferry for a scenic two-hour ride or fly with Cape Air, Seaborne Airlines, or Fly The Whale for a hassle-free 20-minute flight. Each option offers its own advantages, from budget-friendly ferry fares to the ease of flying without security lines—making inter-island travel smoother than ever.

Discovering St. Croix’s Rum Heritage: A Journey Through History and Flavor

Rum Tour

St. Croix’s rum heritage dates back to the 18th century, with iconic distilleries like Cruzan Rum and Captain Morgan offering engaging tours that showcase the rum-making process, local history, and cultural significance. Visitors can enjoy tastings, explore lush distillery grounds, and learn about the island’s deep connection to sugarcane and rum production, making it a must-try experience.

Unearthing Chaney: A Uniquely Crucian Symbol of History, Colonialism, and Art

Chaney on the Beach

Chaney, a blend of “china” and “money,” refers to fragments of broken pottery and china found across St. Croix, carrying rich historical significance. Once used by children as play money, these pieces are now transformed into unique jewelry and treasured symbols of the island’s heritage. Exploring beaches and historic sites to find chaney has become a popular pastime for visitors and locals alike.